Florida Fraudulent Transfers

Florida has a statutory provision, formally referred to as the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act. (726.101) Florida Statute 726.105 governs when transfers are considered fraudulent as to present and future creditors. These ELEMENTS must be present for a transfer to be considered fraudulent: TRANSFER made or OBLIGATION incurred by a DEBTOR CREDITORS claim can arise BEFORE or AFTER the obligation was incurred DEBTOR made TRANSFER with: ACTUAL INTENT to hinder, delay, or defraud any creditor of the debtor OR (CONSTRUCTIVE INTENT) DEBTOR did not receive REASONABLY Read More +

Tampa Bankruptcy Attorney Explains Tampa and Hillsborough County Coronavirus Executive Orders

I am an attorney who primarily practices bankruptcy. The legality of Executive Orders issued by various governmental entities or officials is not a subject to which I devote much effort. Ask a question about bankruptcy and I am likely to know the answer. There are attorneys and persons who are not attorneys who are better versed on the legality of such executive orders. This article will not address the legality or enforceability of the executive order administered in Hillsborough County and Tampa. On July 7, Read More +

Summer Activities and Coronavirus

If you live in Tampa, FL, or plan on traveling there this summer, you’re probably concerned about participating in all the fun things the state has to offer. While summer is typically a prime time for vacations and amusement, coronavirus has turned all that upside down. You’re probably wondering just like everyone else in the world right now, what is safe and what is not. While social distancing and wearing a mask are key components to protect yourself and others and are the best defense Read More +

Bankruptcy Proof of Claims for Dummies

Bankruptcy Rule 3002 governs primarily the deadlines surrounding when a Creditor must file a proof of claim under various Chapters of Bankruptcy. A Creditor that does not file a proof of claim, files such claim late, or has its claim disallowed, may find that it will be excluded from any distribution or dividend available through the liquidation of assets in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, or the payment to Creditors of monies in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. DAYS 70  Proof of claim is timely filed within Read More +

Congress Support for Student Loans During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The CARES Act was passed by the US Congress in April. This massive stimulus package was announced in response to the coronavirus pandemic and the economic downturn as a result of the spread of the crisis. The act has provided crucial relief to student loan borrowers. It has suspended all the payments and interests on the federal student loans which are held by the government. Congress has stopped all the collection activity for the defaulted federal loans also. Implementation of CARES Act for student loans Read More +

Bankruptcy Treatment of Private School Expenses

INTRODUCTION Parents may seek to matriculate their minor children in private schools for various reasons, including religious purposes, lack of confidence in the available public schools, and alternatively, the belief that the available private school offers a better education than the pertinent public school. The question in arises, in Bankruptcy, as to whether the debtor may deduct his or her expenses related to the debtor’s child or children’s private school enrollment. The ability to deduct such expenses may determine whether the debtor is able to Read More +

Credit Card Payments During Coronavirus Pandemic

For several people, a credit card is a significant resource when things are not going well financially. If you have lost a lot of income recently due to the coronavirus pandemic the credit card will be a significant lifeline for meeting your business requirements. However, if you fail to make the payments on time the credit card debt can add up quickly and it can become a long-term financial challenge. But most of the credit card companies are willing to work with their clients affected Read More +

Planning Bankruptcy Filing During Coronavirus Pandemic

There is no denying the fact that coronavirus pandemic has rocked the U.S. economy badly and this has had a terrible effect on the bankruptcy filings. With an upsurge in unemployment and several businesses coming under financial pressure due to the spreading of the pandemic, it is only a matter of time before many businesses declare bankruptcy for handling their debts and make a new beginning as observed by many experts. More than 30 million people across America have become jobless and filed the jobless Read More +

Coronavirus and Small Business Bankruptcy

You can expect the coronavirus pandemic to shut down millions of small businesses in the upcoming months. A range of small business bankruptcies can be expected as more than 40% of the country’s small businesses are expected to shut down permanently in the next 6 months due to the coronavirus pandemic. This was indicated in a poll conducted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Commercial bankruptcies began to show a rise in the first quarter of 2020. Many of the small business owners are waiting Read More +

5 Myths About the $1200 Stimulus Check

In March 2020 the biggest stimulus package in the history of America was passed by Congress to counter the economic situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic. It was signed to become the law by the U.S. President Donald Trump. This $2.2 trillion package will provide $500 billion to the industries in distress, $350 billion to the small business loans, and $260 billion for expanding the unemployment benefits program. But all the discussion is about the $300 billion set aside for direct stimulus payments. These payouts Read More +