Bankruptcy and Student Loans: Understanding Your Options

Navigating the treacherous waters of financial hardship can be daunting, mainly when it involves the complexities of bankruptcy law and student loan debt. In Clearwater and across the United States, many debtors grappling with overwhelming financial obligations often wonder if declaring bankruptcy could provide a respite from their burdensome student loans. This article explores the intricate relationship between bankruptcy and student loans, shedding light on the conditions under which student loans can be discharged and the legal avenues available. Bankruptcy law, intended as a lifeline Read More +

Festive Finances: Celebrating Wisely While Filing for Bankruptcy

The holiday season can be a challenging time for individuals considering bankruptcy. The decision to file for bankruptcy before or after the holidays depends on various factors, including financial circumstances, personal priorities, and the timing of legal processes. 1. Timing Considerations The timing of a bankruptcy filing is crucial, especially during the holiday season when government offices and legal professionals may operate on reduced schedules. This can lead to delays in the bankruptcy process and impact the resolution of financial issues. It is important to Read More +

Will A Personal Swimming Pool Loan Be Included in Bankruptcy?

A bankruptcy lawyer will tell you that individual advances from acquaintances, family members, a bank, or a credit union are liabilities that may be dismissed in insolvency. A dismissal excuses the person borrowing funds from the legitimate responsibility to repay previous liabilities. Some instances of liabilities that may be dismissed include swimming pool loans, charge cards, doctor bills, past due utility bills, returned checks, and court of law costs that aren’t thought to be deceitful. There are 19 types of debt that may not be Read More +

Why DIY Bankruptcy is A Bad Idea

Bankruptcy is a complex legal process that has a lot of laws and procedures that may feel overwhelming if you aren’t properly trained to deal with them. Nevertheless, some people are still choosing to file for bankruptcy without help from a lawyer. This is known as “pro se” or DIY bankruptcy. While a DIY bankruptcy may appear to be a great option (especially if you want to save money by not paying for a bankruptcy attorney in Tampa), you need to understand the risk you’re Read More +

Will My Employer Find Out If I File for Bankruptcy?

Understandably, there are some things from your personal life that you don’t want to talk to your employer about (e.g., money, religion, politics). However, there may come a time when you need to file for bankruptcy. When this happens, you may wonder whether your employer will know. The short answer to this question is that more than likely, the fact that you’re filing for bankruptcy will remain a private matter. Of course, every bankruptcy is a public record. It’s quite rare to have a situation Read More +

Step-by-step How to File for Bankruptcy

The U.S. Bankruptcy Code is a federal statute governing filing bankruptcy. This is done to ensure that the process is similar in the nation’s 90 federal bankruptcy courts. However, local variations and the uniqueness of each case still make this only a general outline which is why you should really hire a bankruptcy attorney. Nevertheless, here’s an outline of the process steps. Choose Which Type of Bankruptcy to File For There are a few different types of bankruptcy that you can apply for, each of Read More +

Tampa Bankruptcy Court Decision on Discharge of Construction Contractor Debt to Customer

The Bankruptcy Court in Tampa rendered an important decision on whether a contractor employed to perform construction or repair services to a customer could Discharge such debt in Bankruptcy. In the case of Hollman v Morales (In re Morales) an individual hired the debtor, a handyman, to conduct repairs on his mobile home. The customer paid $25,000 for such services to be performed. Evidently, such services were not fully performed, and the handyman, and subsequently, the debtor, in the Bankruptcy, argued that the mobile home Read More +

Tampa Bankruptcy Court Decision Relating to Tax Refunds

A Bankruptcy Judge in Tampa delivered an important decision regarding tax refunds in Bankruptcy. On July 20, 2022, Bankruptcy Judge CJ Delano rendered a decision regarding whether a debtor may retain a portion of a tax refund received in the amount of $5,500. The debtor claimed $3,750 of such refund as exempt. The debtor’s argument was that portion of the refund should be exempt because it represented monies that the debtor withheld from his social security benefits. Social security benefits are exempt from levy, attachment, Read More +

Tampa Bankruptcy Court Important Decision Regarding Discharge of Income Tax Debt

A Bankruptcy Judge in the Tampa Bankruptcy Court delivered an important decision regarding the Discharge of Income Tax Debt in Bankruptcy on August 23, 2022. The debtor filed what is referred to as an adversary proceeding seeking to Discharge numerous hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax debts. The Internal Revenue Service responded and argued that such debt should not be discharged pursuant to Bankruptcy Code 523(1)(C) based upon the premise that the debtor had willfully attempted to evade the payment of such taxes. Bankruptcy Read More +

the Pros and Cons of Filing for Bankruptcy

There are many pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy. One of the biggest cons to doing so is that when you file for either a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, it’ll show up on your consumer credit report for anywhere up to the 10 years of your life. Another thing that you’ll want to take into consideration is that if you want to file for a federally backed mortgage loan, some creditors won’t approve you for credit while you’re still in bankruptcy. Read More +