Foreclosures 2022

The last few years have been rough for Americans and the entire world. Stocks have been very volatile, inflation is up, and political unrest seems to be dividing the country even more than ever. To make matters even worse Foreclosures have been increasing over the past few months. In this article, we will discuss the topic of foreclosures in America, with a special focus on the state of Florida. WHAT IS A FORECLOSURE A Foreclosure is a legal process by which a lender tries to Read More +

How Opening A New Credit Card Affects Your Credit Card Debt

Accruing credit card debt will make your financial situation worse but when you use credit cards wisely it’s possible that you can improve your situation. For instance, if you open a credit card and only use it for small purchases that you can immediately pay off, you’ll increase your credit to debt ratio and credit score. Unfortunately, many people aren’t disciplined enough to do this so they end up spending more money than they save. This is why so many people need debt consolidation or Read More +

Things to Know About Bankruptcy and Divorce

When it comes to finances, there are various things that can make circumstances more complex. One of the most complex challenges that couples face from a legal and personal perspective is the issue of bankruptcy when also going through a divorce. In some circumstances, a divorce may be happening at the same time as a bankruptcy. Either one of the couple or both of them might be feeling for bankruptcy at the same time as there is a divorce being filed or planned. This can Read More +

A Quick Guide to Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy isn’t a situation that anybody wants to be in. The main reason people file for bankruptcy is that their debt has gotten to the point that it can no longer be handled effectively, and often they are forced into making this move. When debt becomes too overwhelming for a person or a business in Tampa, it is not always possible to continue making payments. Rather than suffering the severe long-term consequences of getting further into unmanageable debt, bankruptcy can seem like the preferable alternative. Read More +

Treatment of Child Support Arrears Owed to Bankruptcy Debtor

How may the Bankruptcy Court treat child support arrears owed to a Debtor who files Bankruptcy? In such an instance, the Debtor or the Bankruptcy Attorney, on behalf of the Debtor, may engage in an analysis of two important concepts in Bankruptcy. The first question is whether child support or child support arrears are even to be included in the Bankruptcy Estate. How the property or asset in question is treated in its inclusion or exclusion from the Bankruptcy Estate, has a primary effect on Read More +

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Treatment of Automobile Accidents

If a Debtor is in an automobile accident, either before the filing of the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy or after the filing of Chapter 13, proceeds from any personal injury or property settlement arising out of the accident, are included in the Bankruptcy Estate. In Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in which the Debtor uses the Florida Bankruptcy Exemptions, there is no Exemption that specifically protects such proceeds arising from the accident. Most of our clients in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, who are involved in an automobile accident, suffer Read More +

in Which Courthouse Should I File Bankruptcy?

Under Title 28, Section 1408, cases under Title 11, are filed in the District Court for the District in which the person or entity filing Bankruptcy has for the prior one hundred eighty (180) days or the longer portion of the prior one hundred eighty (180) days, maintained either one’s domicile, residence, principal place of business OR principal assets. Although “residence” and “domicile” are not specifically defined in the Bankruptcy Code, one’s residence is generally held to be where one lives, or dwells, whereas a Read More +

Reasons Why People File for Bankruptcy

Why people file bankruptcy suits in the U.S. these days have been reported by the media citing the reason as medical problems in most cases. It is believed the people that file for bankruptcy in most cases have medical debts. However, oddly almost all the households are dealing with medical debts of some sort. It does not necessarily mean that medical debts cause households to file bankruptcy. Some other surveys indicate that there are different stories among bankruptcy filers. Let’s look at the common reasons Read More +

Can I File for Bankruptcy If I Lose My Job?

Many individuals in Florida found themselves unemployed once the epidemic hit. About 13.5% of the entire nation’s workforce, which equals out to be approximately 22 million people, were forced to file for unemployment benefits once the Coronavirus took its toll, according to the United States Department of Labor. With new strains of the virus popping up, many individuals have used bankruptcy as a means to erase their debts. Debts continue to rise for many people, yet they are uncertain about filing for bankruptcy as they Read More +

Tampa Bankruptcy Court Leads All Divisions in Middle District of Florida in Filings

The Tampa Bankruptcy Court consistently leads all other divisions in the Middle District of Florida in bankruptcy filings. There are four divisions that comprise the Middle District of Florida. These four divisions include Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando and Fort Myers. For the months of January to September of the calendar year 2021, 5,227 cases were filed in the Tampa Division, whereas Jacksonville received 2,388 cases, Orlando 4,542 cases and Fort Myers 1,309 cases. For the current month of September 2021, Tampa received 528 filings, Jacksonville 232 Read More +