Foreclosure Defense

The Attorneys at Weller Legal Group are dedicated to trying to help you save your home. Foreclosure Defense encompasses a variety of different strategies. Weller Legal Group offers a free Foreclosure Consultation to review your case and provide all the information necessary to make an informed decision.

In order for a banking institution to Foreclose on a home and repossess the property, it must have a Note, Endorsements, Mortgage and Assignments. If the bank cannot prove ownership, they cannot Foreclose. If the bank has all their paperwork in order, it may request an Order to Show Cause and proceed to Summary Judgment.

The homeowner may be entitled to Mediation while in Foreclosure. Weller Legal Group will represent any Client who desires to enter Mediation with the Foreclosing Bank. We will attempt to Mediate or Modify your mortgage to obtain more favorable terms, such as reduced monthly payment and interest, principal reduction of mortgage balance, and waiver of past due amounts

What Are Some Procedural Defenses Available to Homeowners Facing Foreclosure?

What Are Statutory Defenses Available to Homeowners Facing Foreclosure?

When Should A Homeowner Facing Foreclosure File Bankruptcy?