Monthly Archives: February 2022

Are You Responsible for A Family Member’s Credit Card Debt?

If you click on any of the advice columns related to family relationships, you will discover several queries about relationships that got strained due to money. Various members of a family put each other to shame talking about the financial decisions they did not approve of. Poorer relatives do not like the wealthy ones because they are not generous with them, especially, for repaying credit card debts. In most cases, the eagerness of a family member to insert the chip or swipe the card doesn’t Read More +

Reasons Why People File for Bankruptcy

Why people file bankruptcy suits in the U.S. these days have been reported by the media citing the reason as medical problems in most cases. It is believed the people that file for bankruptcy in most cases have medical debts. However, oddly almost all the households are dealing with medical debts of some sort. It does not necessarily mean that medical debts cause households to file bankruptcy. Some other surveys indicate that there are different stories among bankruptcy filers. Let’s look at the common reasons Read More +