the History of Debtors Prisons and Why It is Important to You (3 of 3)

Debtors Prisons In Early American History Debtor’s Prisons existed in the United States dating from the beginning of Colonization to 1850. Numerous important early political figures were incarcerated throughout the history of debtors prisons, most likely giving the Founders a perspective on the ills of the debtor prison system. William Morris, one of the signors of the Declaration of Independence, was imprisoned from 1798-1801 in a debtors’ prison in Washington, DC. One of his more regular visitors was George Washington. James Wilson, another signor of Read More +

the History of Debtors Prisons and Why It is Important to You (2 of 3)

Debtor Prisons In United States Today In the United States, although there are no Debtors Prisons specifically, a debtor can be imprisoned in numerous circumstances under criminal penalties which are usually imposed monetarily, but for which the debtor is unable to pay. For example, persons can be found in Contempt of Court and imprisoned after nonpayment of garnishments, confiscations, fines, back taxes and child support. Such penalties are framed as Contempt of Court, the rationale given is obstruction, fraud or negligent nonpayment. Many debtors are Read More +

the History of Debtors’ Prisons and Why It is Important to You (part 1 of 3)

Debtors’ prisons have existed for many centuries on this planet, and in fact, many forms of bonded servitude and slavery still exist today. Bonded servitude is practiced in India, and other nations, and slavery in its most brutal forms, is practiced in various parts of Africa. Debtors’ prisons are facilities where persons are imprisoned who are unwilling or unable to pay their debts. Bankruptcy Laws were eventually formulated and enacted in order to betray the harsh penalties imposed upon the populace, usually upon the most Read More +

Origins of Bankruptcy Law in the United States

The United States Constitution gives Congress the power to establish laws on the subject of Bankruptcy throughout the United States. Congress first exercised this power the Bankruptcy Act of 1800. This act, which virtually copied the existing English law, provided for involuntary bankruptcies and was only available to traders (merchants). The act was repealed three years later in 1803. Two more short-lived federal bankruptcy laws were enacted from 1841 to 1843 and from 1867 to 1878. A permanent federal bankruptcy law would not go into Read More +

Bankruptcy in England

Bankruptcy law in England was once quite harsh. Bankruptcy was considered a crime and people who could not pay their debts were thrown into debtors’ prison or had their ears cut off. In fact, the first legislation dealing with bankruptcy in England was the Statute of the Bankrupts in 1542. One purpose of this law was to prevent people who owed money from escaping England. Only creditors could commence a bankruptcy proceeding. This law aided in the collection of debts and did not provide relief Read More +

Bankruptcy in the Ancient World

Bankruptcy is a concept that did not always exist. For instance, in Ancient Greece there were no bankruptcy laws. If a person was unable to pay his debts, the person, as well as his immediate family, would be forced into slavery until the debt was worked off. Like the Ancient Greeks, the first known laws of the Ancient Romans punished those who could not pay their debts harshly. If a person could not pay an acknowledged debt then that person could be cut into pieces, Read More +

Chapter 13 Case Permits Cramdown of Mortgages

Debtors In Bankruptcy in Tampa Area May Pay Only The Actual Value Of Their Homestead In Bankruptcy Provided Their Mortgage Terminates Before Five Years The 11th Circuit of the United States Court Of Appeals Ruled in American General Finance versus Richard W Paschen that the plain language of the Bankruptcy Code allows Debtors in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to pay only the Secured Value or Fair Market Value of their Residential Property through the Chapter 13 Plan. The Unsecured portion of the Mortgage, which is the Read More +

What Are the Trustee Duties in Bankruptcy? (part 3)

Part Three: Duties Of Trustee As Pertains To Personal Injury Lawsuits And Settlements What are the Bankruptcy Trustee’s Duties when there is an active Personal Injury Lawsuit during the pendency of a Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy Code Section 330, Section 326, Section 328, and 329, is one of the clearer and better written portions of the code, and it clearly spells out the duties of the Bankruptcy Trustee and the Personal Injury Attorney, who is representing the Debtor in the Personal Injury matter. The Duties of the Read More +

Trustee Duties in Bankruptcy (part 2)

Part Two: Trustee Duties In Bankruptcy The Duties of the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee and the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee are substantially similar but there are some minor differences. The Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee under Bankruptcy Section 1302(b)(4) must, in addition to his Duties enumerated in Part One of our discussion, advise, other than on legal matters, and assist the Debtor in performance under the plan, and ensure that the Debtor begins to make timely payments as required under the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan.

What Are the Trustees Duties in Bankruptcy?

Part One: Trustees Duties In Chapter 7 Bankruptcy And Chapter 13 Bankruptcy The Duties of the Chapter 13 Trustee and the Chapter 7 Trustees Duties in Bankruptcy are largely similar. Bankruptcy Code Section 1302(b)(1) states that the Chapter 13 Trustee must perform the duties specified under Bankruptcy Code Sections 704(2), 704(3), 704(4), 704(5), 704(6), 704(7), and 704(9). These Sections of the Bankruptcy Code govern both Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustees and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustees. Bankruptcy Code Section 704(2) states that the Trustee must be accountable Read More +