Experienced bankruptcy attorneys in Lecanto, Florida and Citrus County are hard to find. Mr. Jay Weller and Weller Legal Group are one of the longest standing law firms in the Citrus County area that almost exclusively practices bankruptcy law. We have filed over 40,000 cases and can help clients with Chapter 7 bankruptcy, Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and debt settlements in Lecanto, Florida or the Citrus County area.
Many of our clients that seek bankruptcy protection will file either Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. In order to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also known as a “straight bankruptcy”, the debtor must make less than the median income which will vary depending on the size of your household. If you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the debtor can usually discharge the majority or even all of his or her unsecured debts. These unsecured debts may include, credit cards, medical bills, and signature loans. In certain cases, you may be able to exempt and keep your car even if you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, this will have to be discussed during a call with one of our attorneys. Student loans are not usually able to be discharged in a bankruptcy. However, it is possible if the debtor can establish that the student loans present an “undue hardship”, he or she may be able to receive a discharge of student loans but is highly unlikely.
Another popular form of bankruptcy protection in the United States is Chapter 13 bankruptcy. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be a good option if you are earning over the median household income which disqualifies you from filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the main goal is to come up with an affordable monthly payment that will be distributed to your creditors. Filing for bankruptcy can also stop home foreclosures, wage garnishments, and the repossession of automobiles. In certain cases, we may be able to lower the amount owed on automobile loans if you have owned the vehicle for at least 910 days, but this would have to be discussed with one of our bankruptcy attorneys or Mr. Jay Weller. Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be a good way to consolidate all your debt into one affordable monthly payment which is why this form of bankruptcy is commonly referred to as a “debt consolidation.”
If you are determined not to file bankruptcy, then we can look into an alternative option which is to proceed with a debt consolidation. In many cases we are able to negotiate with your creditors for a one-time lump sum payment to clear your current balance with your creditors. Something to keep in mind is that creditors are not obligated to accept debt settlement offers, but in many cases, they are open to negotiations. One major benefit of a debt settlement is that your total debt will go down after you settle your debt which should help your credit score improve over time.
In Citrus County, experienced bankruptcy attorneys can be hard to find. This is why Jay Weller and Weller Legal Group is a great option if you need bankruptcy representation in Lecanto, Florida or its vicinities. Weller Legal Group is here to help in managing and confronting your creditors. Contact us today by phone at 1-800-407-3328 (DEBT) or through our website at www.jayweller.com.
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