The first Article on Antonin Scalia was primarily an combination of the information, arranged as a narrative, that were given regarding the death Mr. Scalia, as presented in media sources found on the internet.  This Article will supplement the information found in the first Article.

Judge Cinderela Guevera pronounced dead by telephone at 1:52 p.m. after she was called by Sheriff Danny Dominguez, according to a February 13, 2016 Article in Big Bend Now.  According to the same Article, the standard which permits a declaration of death by telephone, according to the Texas Code of Criminal Procedures, is whether it was “reasonable”.

Judge Guevera evidently wanted to clarify information regarding Mr. Scalia’s death before determining whether to order an Autopsy:

“As part of my investigation one of the things I did ask the sheriff and the U.S. Marshall:  ‘Were there any signs of foul play?  And they said, “Absolutely not’.  At that time, I still wanted to be careful and asked them if [Scalia’s] physician would call me”.

According the same Article in Big Bend Now, Scalia’s personal doctor called Guevera at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday night.

“When {the physician} explained {Scalia} had just visited on Wednesday and Thursday, and {the doctor} had done an MRI, then I felt comfortable what I knew was going on with him physically”.

It appears that all of the characters involved in the Scalia mystery, including Judge Guevera, the two Justices of the Peace, Bishop and Beebe, and Mr. Poindexter, all appear to be Democrats.

Another person with interesting relations with Antonin Scalia is a man named Bryan A. Garner.  An Article in the New Yorker, dated July 16, 2012, titled “Writing With Antonin Scalia, Grammar Nerd” relays the first meeting of Scalia and Garner:

“The first time Bryan A Garner, a lawyer and writer, met Antonin Scalia – over breakfast at the Washington, D.C., Four Seasons, in 2006 – the Justice spent the early part of their conversation praising a magazine essay he had recently read on English grammar and usage.  Garner, who has now written two books on Scalia, felt it would be bad form to interrupt, but when the Justice had trouble remembering the essay’s author, he suggested a name.  Scalia assented, ‘Sir’, Garner replied politely, “that essay is a review of my book”.

Garner co-authored two books with Antonin Scalia, titled, “Making Your Case:  The Art of Persuading Judges in 2008 and “Reading Law:  The Interpretation of Legal Texts in 2012.

Mr. Garner, in the same New Yorker Article recounts his conversations with Mr. Scalia preceding the second book:

“In 2008, before we went to press, I suggested that we should do a second book together on textualism.  I wanted to write something that would be a better guide to judges and lawyers than we had on the market.  And, after we finished the book, the first book, Justice Scalia said no way.  ‘No way.  I’m sick of writing.  I hate writing’.   So I said, ‘Well, all right,  I think it needs to be done.  And the same is, now it’ll never be done, because you know more about this subject than anyone else alive’.  He said, you know, ‘Life is short, and I don’t have enough time for this’.  I said, ‘Well, all right’.  About six months later, I get a phone call from him, and he said, ‘You know, Bryan? I miss you’, Garner recalled with a laugh.  I said, ‘Well, I miss you, too, Nino.  You know, there’s a cure for that.  Let’s start the second book”.

Mr. Garner, as opposed to Scalia, declared himself a pro-choice on abortion and is in favor of legalizing gay marriage, according to the New Yorker Article.

Garner told the Business Insider, in December 24, 2012 Article:

“I have gotten to know Justice Scalia so well over these two books, and we’ve come so close that he’s like an uncle to me”.

In a February 15, 2016 Article in the Charlotte Observer,” Texas Judge Disclosed Details About Scalia’s Health”, Mr. Garner allegedly said that Scalia appeared happy and jovial during recent trips they made to Hong Kong and Singapore in late January and early February.  Garner said Scalia never mentioned any issues regarding heart problems or other physical problems during the trip.

“He did seem strong as ever.  He was a very strong man physically”.

According to the same Article in the Charlotte Observer, Garner said his most recent conversation was on Wednesday morning (the Wednesday before the death of Scalia), when Scalia told him that he had torn his rotary cuff, and his days of playing tennis were over.  Scalia was evidently an avid tennis player.

Garner said Scalia told him, “The world of tennis has lost a great competitor”.

Image credit: Stephen Masker (Wikipedia)