Considering filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in the Tampa area? If yes, then you should feel confident in hiring Jay Weller to represent you with your case. Mr. Weller founded Weller Legal Group in 1993. He has been representing clients for over 25 years and has helped thousands of Clients with their Chapter 7 Bankruptcy cases. Jay Weller represents only Debtors. The Attorneys at Weller Legal Group are experienced and knowledgeable in Bankruptcy Law, including Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Chapter 12 Bankruptcy, and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.

It is estimated that over 500,000 households will file for bankruptcy each year in the United States. If you are struggling to make your credit card payments, medical bills, or high interest loans it may be in your best interest to file for bankruptcy. There is no shame in filing Bankruptcy. If you are one of the thousands of Americans who are considering filing for bankruptcy, please give us a call today.

Even if your debts are overbearing and seem impossible to overcome, we can help. We have helped thousands of clients over the years with their bankruptcy cases and we can help you too. Jay Weller will help make the Bankruptcy process simple and easier for you and your family.

A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is also known as a Straight Bankruptcy or a Straight Liquidation. With this type of Bankruptcy, the Debtor is looking to discharge their unsecured debts. There are many factors in determining whether a debtor qualifies for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy protection, including income and current assets. If the Debtor’s income exceeds the Median Income in the State of Florida, he or she may not qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy protection, but may be able to file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy protection.

If you are considering filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy protection in the state of Florida, you can contact us directly by calling 813-229-3328 (DEBT). Additionally, you can contact us through our website by submitting a contact from, or by utilizing our live chat option that is presented on our site for you to use.

Something to keep in mind when you hire Weller Legal Group to represent you in your case, Mr. Weller will generally speak with you personally. If Mr. Weller is not available, we will make sure to assign a competent Bankruptcy Attorney in our office to speak with you directly. It is important that you speak with an attorney regarding your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case and not a salesperson. Many offices may have you speak with a salesperson or answering service, and not a licensed bankruptcy attorney.

It is important that you ask the person with whom you are speaking if they are a licensed Bankruptcy Attorney in the State of Florida. Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy protection is a serious endeavor. Your case needs to be handled by professionals. We at Weller Legal Group are ready to help you with your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case in Tampa.