My name is Jay Weller and I an Attorney who has represented many thousands of Clients in Bankruptcy Proceedings, since 1993. Myself and my Law Office has filed over 40,000 Bankruptcies and has represented many thousands more Clients through our numerous Non Bankruptcy Programs or Bankruptcy Alternatives.
Please examine our website at The website contains information on virtually any subject of Bankruptcy Law and Procedure, with over 100 Videos discussing common questions and issues in Bankruptcy, along with a few hundred pages of information and explanation of various matters of Bankruptcy Law and Procedure.
Weller Legal Group has Bankruptcy Attorneys, Lawyer, Paralegals, and other support Staff to assist you if you enlist the Services of our Law Office. We also have Law Offices conveniently located in Pinellas, Pasco and Polk Counties, in the State of Florida.
Please Call Jay Weller today at 727-539-7701 or Toll Free at 1-800-407-3328 to speak with Mr. Weller, who will listen to your particular issues with Debt, and likely, be able to suggest one remedy or another, for solution.
Thank you for your consideration.