For those seeking a bankruptcy lawyer in Clearwater, Jay Weller and Weller Legal Group is a popular choice. If you are in need of a bankruptcy lawyer in the Clearwater area, Weller Legal Group has been serving both Clearwater and the greater Pinellas County area, since 1993. Our office has represented many tens of thousands of clients in bankruptcy proceedings and many thousands more through our programs which serve as an alternative to bankruptcy.
Our law office exclusively represents persons who are confronted with some manner of debt. However, most of our clients have been represented and assisted through representation in bankruptcy. The most common forms of bankruptcy in which we practice and have knowledge, are Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also called a straight bankruptcy or straight liquidation, is a form of bankruptcy wherein the debtor seeks to discharge or eliminate, his or her unsecured debt obligations, such as credit cards, medical bills, signature loans, and similar types of debt.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is also called a debt reorganization or debt consolidation. In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the debtor seeks to consolidate his unsecured debt into a single monthly payment, which is usually substantially lower than the payment obligation required outside of Chapter 13. In some cases, the unsecured debt is completely eliminated in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and the debtor is removed from any contribution to his or her unsecured creditors.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is traditionally employed by debtors whose monthly income is such that they are disqualified from filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 is also often filed when the non-exempt or non-protected portion of their assets, dramatically exceeds that which is permitted by the applicable exemption statute that governs the bankruptcy filer. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is also used to stop foreclosures, repossessions, and other creditor actions, and permit the debtor to sometimes reduce and consolidate such debts into a smaller and more manageable payment.
If you are interested in more information or understanding of the concepts mentioned in this article, please consult our website. The website contains a plethora of information regarding the matters of both debt and bankruptcy, and is possibly the largest website in the world, addressing the subject of bankruptcy.
Weller Legal Group has four offices including its main office in Clearwater, and offices in Port Richey, Lakeland, and Brandon. If you are in debt, we are here to help. Mr. Weller, and any of the bankruptcy lawyers in the office, are pleased to both speak and meet with you to discuss your particular situation.
Please contact us either through our website, or by telephone toll free at 1-800-407-3328 (DEBT) or directly at our Clearwater office at 727-539-7701.