Monthly Archives: June 2022

How Opening A New Credit Card Affects Your Credit Card Debt

Accruing credit card debt will make your financial situation worse but when you use credit cards wisely it’s possible that you can improve your situation. For instance, if you open a credit card and only use it for small purchases that you can immediately pay off, you’ll increase your credit to debt ratio and credit score. Unfortunately, many people aren’t disciplined enough to do this so they end up spending more money than they save. This is why so many people need debt consolidation or Read More +

Things to Know About Bankruptcy and Divorce

When it comes to finances, there are various things that can make circumstances more complex. One of the most complex challenges that couples face from a legal and personal perspective is the issue of bankruptcy when also going through a divorce. In some circumstances, a divorce may be happening at the same time as a bankruptcy. Either one of the couple or both of them might be feeling for bankruptcy at the same time as there is a divorce being filed or planned. This can Read More +